PatRN52 Member


  • I'm working toward having gastric sleeve surgery by the end of summer. Sorry to hear that you lost a lot of your support because you chose surgery. You can add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • My goal is to lose 160-180 lbs, starting from my highest weight in Oct. 2017. At this time last year I was down 42 lbs, but I had some health bumps along the way and gained back about half of those pounds. Most recently, since Feb. 12, 2019, I've lost 20 lbs and I'm totally committed to making the life style changes…
  • My goal is to lose 160-180 lbs, starting from my highest weight in Oct. 2017. At this time last year I was down 42 lbs, but I had some health bumps along the way and gained back about half of those pounds. Most recently, since Feb. 12, 2019, I've lost 20 lbs and I'm totally committed to making the life style changes…
  • My name is Pat and I'm 56 yrs old. I hit my highest weight of 355 lbs in Oct. 2017. By Feb. 2018 I had dropped 42 lbs but then I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer; since then I gained back about half of those pounds. My other medical history includes high blood pressure, arthritis and depression, and now I have been…