corina175 Member


  • Thanks for your support Connie, right now I am trying to take it one day at a time, I am still so amazed at how much better I feel having taken off some weight, when i started to loose weight I could hardly walk to the end of the block without being winded and now I walk lots with no problems, I know in my head all of the…
    in New again Comment by corina175 June 2015
  • in New again Comment by corina175 June 2015
  • Hi, I am Corina, I had lost 75 pounds since Feb of 2014, started on my own then found MFP, problem is I am having a really hard time staying on track right now, I could list all of the excuses that I tell myself but they are just excuses. I have gained back 6 pounds and am really scared that I am heading down the wrong…
    in New again Comment by corina175 June 2015