

  • I'll definitely be watching portions since it's the best I can do foodwise right now, thank you! I'm 27, and with my social anxiety, getting a job and holding it is difficult. There are a lot of other things that factor into me not getting a job like my social security income, which I would lose if I got a job with a high…
  • I think a lot of what it has to do with is insulin resistence, IE our body's inability to break down and process sugars (which are in everything), which just builds on more fat, as well as the hormonal imbalance. It's a tough road. :/
  • Hi! I have PCOS as well, currently 232 after previously getting down to 217. Exercising is difficult for me because I am in a bad neighborhood, as well as a cluttered house with little room to work, so you can imagine the difficulties! My current goal is to get below 200 pounds, and maybe even 180.