

  • Personally I'm now happy where I am. I still want to lose weight, about another 16pounds in total but I've come to realise there is more to this than just simply eating less calories = you lose weight. It's far more complicated than that and despite all the experts and the advice, no one really knows the magic answer that…
  • OP, I'm in same position/predicament as you. I started all this back in October. I originally weighed 203 pounds. I very quickly and easily went down to 193pounds. After that I carried on losing but at a slower pace. About a month before Christmas I got stuck at 185-187 and for 2 weeks at Christmas, I gave up. I put on a…
  • Took me 5 weeks to lose a stone. Took me 2 and a half Months to lose the next half a stone Admittedly Christmas came along in that second half stone but still, losing that half has been twice as hard as losing the first whole stone
  • Yeah, please could people not state things as facts when they're not facts. Someone wrote, "they knew someone who tried it and it doesn't work". Like it's a fact. Maybe it didn't work for them I firmly believe this diet does work but must admit it didn't work for me. I found myself struggling too much on the fasting days.…