

  • I shop at Costco, Aldi and a local grocery store that has the best prices, never convenience stores. A slow cooker is good for stews, chili and soups, which are healthy and will feed a crowd inexpensively. I try to stretch chicken and beef by using them in casseroles, pasta dishes, chili, etc., not as a standalone. I stock…
  • Hi southerngalpal. I just started MFP today, and am learning how it works. Also need support! 2015 will be great!
  • Hi, just started MFP today for the first time, not sure how it all works yet. I'm in my early 50s, live in the U.S. and also like outdoor things. I don't run -- hurts too much! I like to bike much more. Like the support of checking in with others. Good luck!