

  • Hi just now saw your message about thyroid issues. I'm 53 and have been struggling with losing weight no matter what I would try. Had my hormones checked,and now I take bio identical hormones . Armor Thyroid ,progesterone (natural capsule form) and testosterone. Now the weight is starting to shed. It's been about 5 months…
  • Sometimes the plateau happens when hormones are imbalanced. I began bio identical therapy for slightly low thyroid and progesterone. The weight loss started to happen again after 5 frustrating years of trying to lose with no results. I also switched my work out to doing 20 minutes of interval on the treadmill, then some…
  • Congratulations! !! my advice is take it a day a time, use this app, drink plenty of water, Callenetics & Ballet Beautiful give great results if you keep your eating in check ( that's my goal)
  • Just joined yesterday. Hi! I'm 53 and looking to slim down and get strong. A couple of work out DVD's I love are Ballet Beautiful and Callenetics. Very good at lengthening the muscles instead of bulking up. It's not a harsh work out, but you will feel it the next day. Best to you all over 5 '3 in 2015!!