nalaandchoco Member


  • Yip lots of protein & lift heavy weights. HIIT burns fat & builds muscle. Gotta eat reall clean 2 get bodyfat 2 that level.
  • Get sum whey protein powder & make shakes, i use Almond milk. Protein bars & nuts r easy 2 take with u as a snack. U could try oats 4 breakfast & add a scoop of protein powder 2 them then u can add berries or whatever u like. Very filling & heaps of good carbs & protein 2 start the day.
  • Protein shakes with Almond milk, protein bars, nuts. Thats all i eat during the day then just my veges at nite☺. Can make heaps of nice smoothies with frozen berries etc 2, really good in summer.
  • I would suggest u try havin more protein. Whey protein powder, make shakes with Almond milk. Start the day off with protein & have protein with every meal. If u have oats add a scoop of protein powder & blueberries 2 ur oats. Fulls u up longer & fuels ur muscles. I also take BCAA caps (amino acids) helps with protein…