wick3tgirl Member


  • it kinda goes 80-90% healthy, nutrient dense foods and 10-20% whatever I want as long as it fits. it makes me stay sane if I can have a chocolate treat every day/couple of days, since Im on a really low-cal diet. of course thats for losing weight, when I go into recomposition, Im gonna be more focused on macros, especially…
  • oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. lots of veggies, fruits and cottage cheese for snacks. veggie soups for work lunches. a piece of meat / hard-boiled egg and-or tuna, green veggies, beans for dinner - I turn it into a salad since it means less plates to clean, heh. I work out, so I earn some calories and have a chocolate…
  • ran almost 5 km yesterday with just a little walking in between and with the cool down walk at the end I was over 5 km. being the first run of the season, I'm calling it awesome. now I know the stationary bike has been actually benefiting my 'fit-ness'.
  • according to the calculator I'll be at goal weight in 34 days, that will be 3,5 months from the start of my journey. in other words I have a quarter of the journey left. holy crap, it made me realize I've come a long way, the 70 day streak says something, but this just now, wow! giving myself a high five and a big thank…
  • hangry happens all the time. today was especially horrible, thank goodness nobody was at home when I got back from work today, there would be casualties. :s
  • hmmm, does everyone use 40 g as a serving? I use - 50 g rolled oats, soaked in boiling water for 10 mins or in the microwave for 1 minute - 50-100 g of sliced banana - 20-50 g of frozen raspberries or mixed frozen fruit - cinnamon, always, cinnamon adds up to 250-300 calories. is that too much? well, it's fitting into my…
  • when I completed the diary for today I was feeling really low since I was still hungry and the projected weight loss was so-so. then I decided to take a look at my before photo, I couldn't believe what I saw when I compared the two people (I have the fat kid syndrome & I can't quite believe the physical changes). so, I…
  • it was yesterday, but im counting it: craved chocolate so much, i saw there was one snickers bar left, instead of eating it whole, i split it with mom & then worked out for an hour. felt awesome.
  • i can haz thigh gap! :o
  • a tiny lil country in europe - slovenia
  • --sorry I haven't answered in so long, the notifications get a bit lost on mobile.-- hmm, yeah with homecooked meals I weigh every ingredient separately when cooking. when all is cooked I guess how much of the entire portion I actually ate. or if it is already cooked I pick a dish that is similar and add it with a bit more…
  • I'm not a morning person so I decided I needed to make this meal so I don't have to plan it out ... and it's still yummy: oat (50g), cinnamon, one banana (100kcal) or mixed frozen berries topped with boiling water and while I do my make up I let it soak (if I dont have access to a microwave). and of course coffee with 1,6%…
  • tried on some jeans that I wore until they tore because of the chub rub (dont ask why I still keep these) & they more than fit now! also tried on my 'goal weight' short shorts & I was able to button them!! looked like a sausage but still better than having them stop mid thigh :smiley:
  • a 4k walk, an hour on the stationary bike and a few lower body body weight exercises. it was a nice day out but still cold and still some snow on the ground.
  • hi, I'm from Slovenia and I've been using my fitness pal since January. how can i help you?
  • I dont know if it correlates with your weight, but a litre of water a day and you're active so much?! maybe your body's retaining water? I suggest drinking at least 2 litres a day if not even more.
  • being able to walk those '10mins' to the bus stop much faster, I find I have time to spare by the time I get there, and my morning minutes are precious to me :)