tropics02 Member


  • Kashi Lean Cereal is a good option.
  • Just finished 1 week and lost 4 lbs. I have not been too hungry, but have not done all the exercises. I am going to try to do better this week!
  • ATLsMommy76, You say you're not losing any lbs so far, but I'm wondering if you're converting fat into muscle? Don't worry about weight as much as inches.
  • Good luck Kim and Chrissy! Let's finish this thing!!
  • My motivation is to not get old and saggy. I want to be in the best shape of my life at 50. I feel motivated to do these workouts because I know they are short and I can get on with my work quickly.
  • Hi, My name is Bonnie and I am turning 50. I used to be in better shape, but now, everything is sagging, and the pounds are piling on. I've gained 25 pounds above my ideal weight and I can't fit into my clothes anymore because my belly has gotten big. (I never gained weight in my waist before.) I wanted to start something…