Alot of multi viramins can make you dizzy or nauseated if you take them on an empty stach - try taking it after a meal =)
Thanks guys!! All the advice is much qppreciated =) I'm gonna go grab that protien bar now ;P
Thanks guys! Foursirius, do you know if its worse then? Or just different?
Sorry, my app wouldnt let me read it as I typed for some reason >. < basically is a protien bar, or other protien enriched substance a good source for some extra protien? Given that ive gotten whole sources of amino acids throughtout the rest of the day - if that makes sense =P
Check for a protien deficiency- i had one and was tired constantly, joint stiffness, foggyness, carb cravings, mood swings etc.. i was also a vegetarian at the time and it could be difficult to get the right protien. Check to make sure your eating whole sources of protiens (i.e. rice with beans, the rice has some of your…