andyj008 Member


  • I'm sure you will get there with hard work s nd determination. I always say Consistency is the key and showing up in the gym when you don't want roo .that's what will make you .x
  • Have a nice hot bath .its lactic acid in your muscles .my legs are still sore from Mondays leg session so I know where your coming from .I'm going to do a light session on them today to try a disperse the lactic acid .hope this helps
  • My favourite at the minute is chicken risotto .easy and tasty.plenty of ideas on the net to get you started
    in Hello Comment by andyj008 January 2015
  • Hiya sarah :) you ok ?
    in Hello Comment by andyj008 January 2015
  • I'd like people to add me for motivation and food ideas .only so much sweet potato and chicken one man can take lol
    in Hello Comment by andyj008 January 2015
  • Lol .I kept them like that all over Xmas .lean bulking at the min so they have vanished
    in Hello Comment by andyj008 January 2015