I love asolo walking boots, but also second Merrill. If you go over on your ankles often, you need to strengthen them, or they will only get weaker (mine got so damaged I needed surgery). The first step is squats and heel raises - quite small movements. Once you can do those without wobbling so much you think you will fall…
I bought the cheapest digital scale from argos about 4 years ago, and I think it's still working fine, but does only show whole pounds. I can't believe ww made their scales that way!
I spend about £20-30 a week - often cook 4 portions and freeze them. I don't eat very much meat, and cook nearly everything from scratch. A good blog for low cost recipes is 'a girl called jack'
When studies have been done with the pill and a placebo (dummy pill), there has been no difference in weight gain between the group on the real pill and the dummy, so it isn't the pill itself which causes weight gain.
Thanks Crocky, I'll have a look :)
I didn't lose anything on sw - really stuck to the diet, but just have a big appetite. I did much better on weight watchers, but could only sustain for 2 years and now struggling to lose with restrictive diets. Good luck :)