lynnsyoung164 Member


  • Totally agree and great advice. Other people can eat filthy animals if they want. I could care less.(joke) He is right, though, it is not difficult to do so ignore negativity and see for yourself. Beans, quinoa, lentils, etc are staples but you'll learn as you go which is normal so don't stress about it, just enjoy. My…
  • Michele The welcome sign is beautiful! I used to do that but on a much smaller scale and not near as much detail. We definitely need to meet up since you are so close to me. Recently I started doing adult coloring books with color pencils and trying to learn new techniques from youtube instead of just using my elementary…
  • A chest strap with a watch is all I use. Mine is Garmin brand and a little over a year old. I had to change the battery a few months ago and the strap has stretched some like bra straps do. I'm so used to it now I sometimes forget I have it on have napped in it! It doesn't work for swimming but I wore it during a mini tri…
  • Lenora I got this feedback too but each time I was happy to point out to them that the harness part was on me (my arm) and my son held the "leash" end. That shut them up. We made it a game as I told him to not let me get lost. I'm amazed it worked all thise times because he was lightning fast at disappearing! If I had it…
  • Beth - You triggered a memory of when a friend went to pay for my lunch this summer. When I tried to decline she told me to stop blocking her good karma. I laughed but the message didn't sink in. I need to stop blocking good karma for people when they try to do something nice for me! KJ - I am so sorry to hear about your…
  • Karen That is very sweet for you to spend your time helping your sister. I cringe when someone wants to help me. I don't know why but it makes me feel worse about myself and it's awkward even when it's my own mother. I can deal with whatever it is and live with it better than someone helping me with it. I wish I was not…
  • This was me for many years. I heard you say you want to go faster than a brisk walk but I believe you have to slow down. Go so slow that you continue to breath normal and can carry on a conversation. Once I let my breathing get out of control during a run it's almost impossible to get it back without a long break. I was…
  • Very Impressive! Lynn from NC
  • I've been reading everyone's post and a little scared to jump in. Jumping in means accountability as well as support. You all seem very nice and have so much going on. I keep reading and finding inspiration. I turn 50 next week. My goal for January has been to log my food every day and I'm doing terrible so far. I'm off…
  • This may sound crazy but I started realizing that with so many things not just food I created who I am by defining small things that added up to create a picture of who I saw myself as. For example anytime someone brought up the subject of beans I would say, "I hate beans except green beans". Announcing what they should…
  • Now Sports Pea Protein Dutch Chocolate. No sucralose. Absolutely delicious!
  • Made me smile. :smile:
  • I like that. I need to try it and plan a day out. I can still choose to lower my portions or exchange things. I am horrid at planning though.
  • Control. Yep that is something I try to do lots of! I can't underestimate my exercise though. I would shout it to the world if I could lol. I'm too proud of that to reduce it. I have thought of doubling meals though.
  • A wonderful reminder about self love! We do tend to want what we don't have. For me it is long legs. :) Thank you.
  • I am 4' 10.5" and I am so happy to find this discussion! I need you guys! I struggle to keep nutrition balanced and calories down and it is so true that the half is so important. :)
  • Sadly I think it is there own insecurity and perception about their body image or ability to eat a certain way. It really makes people uncomfortable unless they are feeling successful too. It is not personal against you. Talking about dieting triggers all kinds of reactions whether family or not. I am VERY happy for you…
  • CW 114 H 4' 11" GW 105 Age 49