

  • Thank you! @kommodevaran‌ :) That sounds like a good idea to me, I might try it as I think it will help me motivate & keep on the right track, is trend weight an app? I can't seem to locate it...
  • Brownie mix & diet coke? What does that turn out like?! Sounds wrong but intriguing.... My fave is kale, just tip it onto a baking tray, break up any large pieces, spray with 1 cal olive oil & sprinkle with salt or chilli, bake it for 10-15 mins at 170 :-) it's actually very addictive!
  • Derbyshire, England :-)
  • Hi write4mysoul, I too am new to this. After a year of over indulgence I have realised that I need to get back into shape, it's so easy to put the weight on & get unfit so I am with you on this!! Im from the UK, where are you?