

  • lisafrancis888, I believe you are correct, but I too am no expert. I frequent John Romaniello's site and have done his FPFL program with great results. Here is one of many blog post from Roman on this topic; http://romanfitnesssystems.com/articles/in-defense-of-cheat-days/ Hope this helps, if not sorry for adding to the…
  • I do utilize a cheat day, and I don't use the food log on that day because I could care less about calories on that day. It definitely keeps my metabolism guessing, and helps keep me lean. I will note I usually only "cheat" 3 times per month.
  • I agree with the general consensuses, that there is no "best bread". If you are looking for a good clean bread, then making your own is best, or find a local baker that you trust. I personally am far too lazy, er busy to bake my own and I only have one local baker that I trust and they typically run out by the time I get…