
  • Hope your "scientifically proven" methods work for you. You'll be a size 2 in 3 months, right? Because science!
  • I know what's worked for me in the past. Everyone's biochemistry is different, and how a person responds to what is put in their body is different too. This works for me. I was just looking for someone else who wanted to do it. Congrats "furious hummingbird", you just bullied someone off this site. Hope it makes you feel…
  • Not worth my time to respond. Found support elsewhere. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY FOR REPORTING MY POST IN RESPONSE TO YOUR HARASSMENT!!!!!!!!!!! :smiley:
  • Thank you!!!!
  • LOL you've been wasting my time by making me explain all this to you! "Saving me time"-- hilarious! Just leave the thread if you're not interested!!!!!!
  • Good sugar is fructose. Good fat is unsaturated, in this case coming from nut ingredients. Fiber is from the fruit and vegetables-- I mean really??? Where is the fiber in a SMOOTHIE???
  • This is pathetic. Not worth my time to even bother trying with you people. Because obviously, spending 10 days ensuring your body gets fantastic nutrients vs. 1200 calories of whatever food in order to lose weight HAS to be a bad thing. Because why? Generally, a program to jumpstart sustainable habits is an acceptable…
  • A green smoothie isn't a piece of fruit. When made correctly, it can be up to 500 calories of good sugars, vitamins and minerals, protein, and good fats. I feel like none of you even bothered to research before you started posting responses.
  • With all due respect, I wasn't asking for advice. I was asking for interested parties. I truly don't need a lesson in liver and kidney function.
  • All of you are entirely unhelpful. If you're not interested, don't reply. Simple as that.