I never once thought about meals. Like someone else said, food is food. Does not matter if you eat 1800 calories in one meal or five. Just do what you enjoy while still hitting your goals. I personally think it's annoying to eat a million meals. Most of the time, I probably had one or two actual meals with some snack mixed…
I love intermittent fasting. I've done it off and on since 2011. I feel fantastic physically and mentally sharper when I'm doing it consistently. I do 16:8 minimum but a lot of times it's closer to 20:4. I've trained hard for half marathons and logged many miles while doing IF. I've experience absolutely no negative impact…
Las Vegas
Back after too long of a hiatus. New friends are cool.
I'm in the same boat. Religiously counted and was very active on here in 2011/12. Let's do this.