ChookyVW Member


  • I am only on my second day attempting 500 Cal's. Sunday was my first day, and I got hungry in the afternoon. I think because I didn't plan well. I had coffee with sugar, carrot and orange juice, protein shake, broccoli and tofu salad, mixed berries and low fat plain yogurt, then kale and mango salad. I was supposed to just…
  • I am on my first week of the 5:2 diet, currently trying my second fast day of the week. I ended up eating 640 calories on Sunday- I was just so hungry! I'm trying to stagger my meals better today. It helps to know there are other people doing it. I'd love to know how the 8:16 eating goes, although I don't think I'm ready…
  • I love all the advice on here, it is so great to hear how everyone has tackled their health issues. One article I read once helped me to eat healthier, and it was about eating out of love rather than fear. To think that your body is the only one you will ever have, and it deserves the best nourishment you can give it. You…
  • Hi, I'm not overweight, but carry a lot of fat around my tummy. When I eat a lower amount of carbs, I definitely feel better around the middle, even if my weight and calorie intake don't change. That's only if I'm eating loads of vegetables too though, so my nutrient intake is probably very high - that could be why I feel…