AngMarie13 Member


  • I understand the frustration. This isn't my first time bouncing back from my current weight. I have 2 kids and work 40 hours a week. For me, I look at my time at the gym as "my alone time". Even if I'm only there for a quick 30 minute run, it's my stress reliever for the day. On days I just can't fit in a gym trip, I make…
  • I've been on MFP for a few years now and could use some more motivation to keep me going this time.
  • I'm 5'3" and working my way down from 173. This isn't my first time losing weight from this starting point (it's my "eat everything I want" weight). My goal now is to get down to 145 and see how I feel at that point. I like to lift & run, but portion control & meal choices are the biggest issue for me.