sjenness Member


  • How many calories are you ladies consuming and are you adding in BF as a deduction of calories? I was trying to stay at 1500 cal and added my own exercise of nursing by oz and calculated 20 cal burned per oz and 3 oz each nursing session. I don't add it in until the end of the day to keep my cal consumption at the 1500.…
  • I wish I knew!! I lost a TON of weight with my first but am really struggling since having this second babe. I have even gained weight!! When in Oct. was your son born? Mine was Oct. 11!
  • Hi! I am Sara and have a 3 month old baby girl as well as a 2.5 yr old little girl. I am nursing as well and am not seeing any loss due to BFing. Most likely bc of all the food I am shoving down my gullet! :o) I am ready to get serious and healthy!!