gigi60564 Member


  • Starting low carb diet up again after 10 years, as of yesterday. Will be doing Atkins. Did so 11 years ago, lost 55# in about 7months. Kept off for about 7 years, then began not monitoring the carbs, 10# crept on. Then about 3yrs ago quit smoking, and as of yesterday I had gained back a total of 35#. That was it for me.…
  • I just started today as well. I did Atkins diet 11 years ago and lost 55lbs. I did exercise 5-7x a week for at least one hour. I lost the 55lbs in about 6 months averaging at 9lbs a month. It was work, but oh so worth it. All my elevated blood counts decreased dramatically and good chloresterol shot up. My Dr said whatever…