My favourite is plaice dusted with flour and fried with a small knob of butter. When it’s cooked I squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the pan then eat it with green vegetables and brown rice (Tilda microwave)
I've been too busy helping friends deal with the flooding in our village this week, BUT, slow cooker full of soup for this week's lunches and meal plans made ready for serious kick off tomorrow. In preparation mode today...healthy living mode from 6am tomorrow, lol o:)
That's my story too! Mostly off :( I'm 46, married to an obsessive cyclist and mother of a super slim 13 year old daughter. We've booked a holiday for 15 August and I'd love to lose 50 or 60lbs by then. Just need to find some motivation
I'm trying to tackle my low mood and poor sleep with some dietary changes and supplements. I'm hoping that if I feel better in myself I will then have the motivation to tackle the creeping pounds! I must get back to tracking too. Good luck
Hi Lilmamawoz. I'm 46 and can be your menopause buddy! Creeping pounds, temperature fluctuations and mood swings like nothing I've had before. What a club to belong to!!!
Not from Wales but deepest darkest Lancashire...almost neighbours! First day proper finding my way around. Have lost 3.5 stone last year and need a fresh approach to carry on. Would be great to share some support