Better? P.S. you should really learn a bit about being overweight! Are you going to take care of your weight issue?
We were all young once... ;)
Eat your carbs!!! But I'm sure you wont understand. lol magazine articles are about worthless. Like this. :) Show me something peer reviewed in the last decade that makes your point. Carbs are worthless calories and most likely harmful. They…
Where did this ancient man get this food? Do you farm or are you connected to one? Have you ever been in the wilds? You do know that fruits and veggies you eat today are nothing like their wild cousins. Right? The answer to the above questions is likely no. Because if you did have knowledge of agriculture. You would know…
You mean the low fat diets right? Low carb diets have been around for more than 150 years. :) A letter on corpulence.
I suspect that they believe as I do that. Generally when carbs are restricted people lose weight more easily, Feel more satiated, can continue a diet longer.
Lavish pita and Hummis is a great snack! How about some flatout toasted "crackers" with pepperoni and cheese? Both are around 10 grams net for a reasonable portion. All of the above are very low carb, lowish in calories, and should be available at you local wallyworld. :)
I've been keto for 14 months. Over time you will care less and less about food in general and just eat what's convenient. At least this has been my experience. P.S. your just adapting so be mindful to take your electrolytes.
Opps, In the blue zone of Sardinia they eat milk, meat, and oil. P.S. If that's you in the photo. You better lose that extra weight. If you read the studies you will note that being over weight increases your chances of death by 200+%. Extra Weight isn't just fat, muscle weight really tacks the ticker. ;)