fizzleh Member


  • New to this and looking for motivated buddies! Thanks
  • Change them for something that fills you up like popcorn (not sugar loaded ones) and corn cakes (not sugar loaded snack a jacks). If it's not in the house then you won't eat it. I always tell family to stop buying fatty snacks and get some fruit instead as they always complain that they need to loose weight but shoot…
  • Good luck, Every time I go over there I gain a couple pounds also. Food halls are my weakness :neutral_face:
  • cottage cheese, tuna, chicken, protein shake (PhD diet whey)
  • exercise points lost are not 100% accurate therefore it's always best not to use them up completely if you do decide to. If you don't then you can always use them as a buffer if you use up all your points one day. That way you'll always be under (hopefully)
  • You never loose weight in your first weeks/month as you're building muscle which weighs more than fat. Its better to get a fat % carried out which will more accurately tell you how much fat you've lost. I've figured that motivation isn't lost and found, its built from within. The more you loose and better you feel, the…
  • £12.99 Puregym (pre-opening offer). Can't wait till Easygym open near home though as I am on a £1.99 a month offer with them (also pre-opening offer). Can't believe some people pay £75 still, that's almost £750 more than me a year!