johngifford73 Member


  • Thanks everyone. Well, I guess it's a better workout than I thought. I'm certainly sweating and working the whole time!
  • This is good not much fruit though: -8oz- Unsweetened Almond Milk -2 scoops- Trader Darwin's (Trader Joe's) Chocolate Flavored Whey Protein -1tbsp- Smuckers Organic Peanut Butter -1/2 frozen banana 315 Cal, 27 Carbs, 13g Fat, 23g Protiein, 241mg Sodium, 16g Sugar Or this: -12oz- 1% Milk -1.5 cup- frozen blueberries -1/2…
  • For me it is not so much a matter of tracking the calories burned by my steps, I figure that steps are part of my daily burn anyway. I just like to track my number of steps, and would like to keep track of them in one place. As far as another fitness app with that ability; from talking to Garmin, it sounds like it's on…
  • I'm not sure, he wouldn't give me a direct answer on that. The interface between MFP and GC hasn't worked since I recieved my Vivosmart, maybe someone else could let us know if step data had ever been updated to MFP?
  • I told the tech that I was talking to that GC is completely bush league compared to Map My Fitness and My Fitness Pal. There is no reason that it should have such terrible usability if the engineers had ever even researched any other sites.
  • I was given a Vivosmart for Christmas and am having the same issues syncing with MFP, but also with Map My Ride/Run. I spoke to someone at Garmin yesterday, they said exactly Shadow2soul said, that they are having issues with MFP and have engineers working on it now. As far as MMR, I'm not sure what the answer is except to…