MindySaysWhaaat Member


  • I have struggled with binge eating for about 9 years now. I'm currently doing well, but it took me a while to get into the right mindset. I had to reinvent my relationship with food. I have had to learn to forgive myself when I slip up, and to try not to feel guilty for eating. I take it one day at a time, and I am…
  • My opinion is that it's a bad thing. I was extremely restrictive, and instead of helping my diets in the past, it caused me to start binge eating. Every time I would lose weight, I'd gain it all back, and then I'd gain even more. It did not surprise me when I fell off the wagon two years ago after losing 40 pounds and…
  • I could write you a novel about why I dislike weight watchers, but I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I didn't like how they try to tell you that you can eat "anything in moderation" but then their points values make it clear that there are some things you just can't eat, and I also could never get past the…
  • I don't track ketchup, barbecue or soy sauce. I do track mayo, orange chicken sauce (I bought the bottle from panda express lol), and any other kinds of dressings (like ranch). edited to add: I also make sure that I use a minimal amount of the sauces I don't track.
  • I had the Jawbone UP and I didn't like it. I didn't care for the fact that it didn't really connect around the wrist and the open ends kept getting caught on things (clothing, etc). I also type for a living, and I realized that it was counting steps while I was sitting at my desk typing, and that was no good. I bought the…
  • I never really thought of it as fasting, but I wake up at 930am every day and I don't eat until 4pm. I basically split my calories between a lunch and dinner, with lunch being between 4-5pm, and dinner is usually around 9pm (I get home from work at 830pm). I usually try not to eat after 1030pm, and I go to sleep around…
  • Every Monday I make taco meat, and we make our own version of Chipotle burrito bowls at home with black beans, taco rice, and sour cream.
  • I weighed 220lbs when I met the guy who I'm going to be marrying in August of this year. Throughout the eight years we've been together, I've gone up to 250lbs, down to 200lbs, and then I shot back up to 265lbs. I have asked him if my weight has ever bothered him. He always has liked somewhat chubbier girls, and I know I'm…
  • I've been there with the love-hate relationship with food. I can honestly say that these past two and a half months I've been on MFP have been the most successful I've ever been at dieting, and I can attribute that to having changed my entire outlook towards food. I had to realize that food is not the enemy, and there's no…
  • Everyone has bad days - what you can change is how you react to them. Some people overthink and obsess about the fact that they had a bad day, and it ends up affecting their diet all over the place. The best thing that I've found is to forgive yourself and move on. Take it one day at a time, and don't be too hard on…
  • Exercise and genetics might help, but the unfortunate truth is that there really isn't any other kind of good fix except for surgery. Like others have said, you can try coconut oil, it's good for skin in general, but I don't know about how much it will help with loose skin. All I've ever heard is that it's supposed to help…
  • My fiance once told me jokingly that I looked like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. We both understand each other's humor, so I knew he wasn't truly being a jerk, and I wasn't hurt by it. When I started this on Jan 2nd, I was also at my highest weight after having fallen off the wagon (a few times...) Just try to…
  • The livable wage debate kills me. I can agree that people in general need to get paid a little more, but things like the "fight for 15" bug me, since I make just under 15 and I do a job where if I mess up someone could potentially die, and I have to handle HIV blood on a daily basis...
  • I weigh every morning after I pee. I've started to notice it's becoming a little obsessive for me so I'm actually going to try to wait until April 1st to weigh myself next. I can't do weekly because it reminds me too much of my weight watcher's weigh ins where I'd find ways to cheat the system. If you think you can do it…
  • This is one of those situations where there's no win. So, you either make her upset by telling her that you're not attracted to her in general, or you tell her you're not attracted to her because of appearance, and she'll get mad and call you a shallow jerk. Guys are the same way when you tell them you're not attracted.…
  • Everyone has preferences. If someone asked me out and I didn't find them attractive for whatever reason (weight, appearance etc) I'd probably just be polite and say "I'm sorry, I'm just not interested in you that way." I wouldn't tell them a specific reason because even if I don't like how someone looks, I wouldn't want to…
  • From the two lines I have put in bold, I can guess a couple things. Please tell me if I'm right or wrong. I can assume that you have foods you consider "good" and "bad" and chances are when you are on your healthy mode, you are restricting yourself from eating a lot of things. I had this exact problem. For me, when I was…
  • So, apparently I'm different because there were three pictures that showed up for the height/age/weight I am, and all said pant sizes that were at least a couple smaller sizes than me. Good to know I must be bigger than most people who weigh what I weigh. Gonna have to give this website a :-1:
  • I love potato bread. I think the brand I buy is brownberry. It's around 90 calories a slice.
  • I know where you're coming from. When I went from 254 down to 214 everyone else saw the difference, except me. I am pretty sure I've got that body dysmorphia thing going for me though. I ended up back at like 265 pounds at the beginning of this year, and I'm currently 244. I still can't see a difference, but last night my…
  • That is interesting. See, I've got an iphone 6 plus and it actually tracks steps and stairs like that, and it can be hooked up to my fitness pal, but i don't carry my phone on me all the time (it's the plus so it's huge - it ends up chilling on the side of my desk at work). I can see why the battery is a positive thing,…
  • If it's not a medical issue, then I wouldn't worry too much about sugar.
  • I've also been looking at different kinds of monitors like this. I had an UP band, but I type for a living and I was noticing that it was counting my keystrokes as steps. For me it's between the fitbit zip and the fitbit one. The zip is cheaper at around $50 and the one is about $100. The difference between the two is that…
  • I'm kinda with the other people who don't view foods as "danger" foods. I understand where you're coming from though. I can't trust myself to moderate oreos yet, so I don't buy them. Same thing with other kinds of baked goods. However, the first thought I had when reading the title of this thread was this:
  • About a week after I started on My Fitness Pal, I got a notification that I had a message. Someone had looked at what I had been eating on my FIRST week starting here where I was just trying to get a hang of tracking, and they judged me for it. They wrote me a four paragraph essay about how I needed to "cut the crap" out…
  • I like it because it keeps me hopeful, but I also am aware that in most instances it's not accurate.
  • If you're looking to slowly quit drinking soda, I would look at how much overall you are consuming, and then every week cut it back by a fraction until you no longer need it.