FrothyGibblets Member


  • Why not count, but still indulge in the foods you want up to your calorie goal? There was a very interesting thread doing the rounds yesterday of a guy who did a 10 month experiment eating nothing but "bad" foods whilst keeping a defecit and managed to lose the same amount of weight as if he'd eaten traditional "healthy"…
  • There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that finish punchlines.
  • I'm in your boat mate. Started off at nearly 450, lost 20, stuttered for a few months then got back on it August 1st. I haven't been able to weigh myself for two weeks but I'm hoping I've smashed past that 399 mark as I was 407 two weeks ago. Aiming for between 200-220lbs, although I am 6'9 and plan on starting weights…
  • I cut out all fizzy drinks and switched to water as my primary liquid with coffee and the odd beer being thrown in. May sound extreme but it works out costing less money, even though I'm buying bottled water as opposed to drinking out the tap, and I noticed a difference in myself after just a couple of days so I've stuck…
  • 37, possibly 38 England (Home Country) Scotland Wales Isle of Man (May not count) USA France Spain Belgium Portugal Netherlands Luxembourg Germany Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Poland Lithuania Latvia Estonia Belarus Austria Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Turkey Serbia Macedonia Albania Kosovo Bosnia and…
  • I'm incredibly tall which skews people's perceptions of how much I weigh as they forget to upscale everything. When they think of 400lbs + they think of the average height people you see on tv with mobility issues. Some people are more fortunate in fat distribution or underlying muscle weight to not look as "bad" as their…
  • I was terrified of first going to a gym because I assumed I'd be judged. What I found was that if you're putting in the most effort YOU can, then nobody cares what you look like. Everybody should be there for the same purpose and people will accept you for it. I found the looks of derision tended to be aimed at the people…
  • No not yet. Maybe one day. As it is, if I turn up to a beach clothed Greenpeace end up getting called out!
  • 6'9 here. SW 427 CW 407. Because of both my size and job, my exercise is limited to mostly walking at the moment and as I'm on a the road all the time, I can't follow any specific diet plan beyond aiming for a defecit. Hopefully as I drop lbs I can do more varied exercises when I'm home.
  • Are we counting Rammstein as Metal or Industrial? Really into Herzelied/Sehnsucht era at the moment.
  • In theory yeah why not? Without a killer moustache though I'd most likely suck at the flirting aspect
  • Use the lifting of the veil as you put it to propel you along during the times where you feel unconfident. I'm the opposite to you in that I've hated how I've looked for years, hated what being overweight has taken from my life, yet whenever I tried to change, I could never stick to it and ended up doing it half arsed.…
  • I'd lavish that moustache with compliments
  • I came here to post something similar. A few weeks back I was driving home through a small forest. In the middle of the road was what I assumed was a newly squashed squirrel, so I positioned my car to avoid squashing it further, when out the corner of my eye I saw a second squirrel stood at the verge looking out at the…
  • Funny thing is as time has gone on I'm much closer with my family and we seem to have an understanding of who we all are, instead of being at odds with each other all the time. The scars of the past still remain of course. One thing I do think, is we create our own circles to turn to, be it friends, partners, fitness app…
  • I know that. Taught to feel shame for being overweight by one parent who was caught in that same cycle herself, and litterally told no woman would ever want me repeatedly by the other parent in some incredibly ill thought out attempt at motivating me to change, so I was kind of destined to not have a high opinion of myself…
  • Hey all, from the UK also. Have lost 20lbs so far with another 180 to go, so I'm here for the long haul. Feel free to add me, looking to fill out my news feed with active friends.
  • I've tried doing distance before and I'd be highly unlikely to do so again after my experiences trying, so I doubt I'll ever meet someone through MFP. As yourself and another on this thread have said though, sometimes you just click unintentionally in the most unlikely of places, so I'm really happy when I see those…
  • Iktf...I'm 6'8/6'9 and currently just over 400lbs. I don't even get to the advantages lol. I'm terrible to date because... I don't know how to I have major trust issues I'll never make a move or even show any real interest in a woman I'm convinced there's someone better than me out there for any woman I like. I'm quite…
  • I get virtually no time to play anymore working away from home all the time. From my childhood, probably Final Fantasy 7, Starcraft, Warcraft 3 and eventually WoW back in the good old days of Vanilla. At the minute I'll get a game, maybe play for a week, go away with work and when I get back the enthusiasm isn't there to…
  • I don't know if you're being sarcastic but I'm really liking Spice Bomb at the moment. I also like a couple of the Diesel varieties. I have a Gucci cologne at home but I find it a little too fruity and prefer musky or spicy scents. Considering the price of all these I find it amusing that my favourite scent is a simple £8…
  • I'm looking forward to feeling good enough about myself that I might finally allow myself to get into a relationship. I understand that's a mental issue that probably needs more help than simply a diet, and there are plenty of people who lose the weight and are still terrible at interacting with women, but it drives me…
  • I'd say I'm a binge eater. 30 days into this I can't really put myself into the "former binge eater" catagory yet. I'd say its largely emotional binging as I tended to eat foods that made me feel good, at least while eating them. At the moment I'm getting by through sheer force of will, but I'm dreading the day that…
  • Great job so far man, keep it up!
  • I use it for myself to track how many litres I've drank over the course of a day, so if I've logged 5 "cups" it's 5 litres. A "cup" as 8fl oz or 236ml just seems ungainly to think about as I need to drink such relatively large amounts.
  • I'm in a similar position. I can cook and quite enjoy cooking, but living alone means things either go to waste or I end up cooking too much. I also overnight away from home a lot, so "meals for one" seem to be a decent solution I'm sure it's not as good as preparing your meals for the week in advance, and they are…
  • Hi all. 28 from Northamptonshire. Need to lose 200lbs so I should he here for the long haul. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Since birth pretty much. Overweight parents with poor eating habits lead to overweight children and ultimately adults with poor eating habits. I'm not sure if it feels worse to be overweight for someone who's always been that way, or someone that used to be average/thin.