ak592 Member


  • I use NOW multivits because the vitamins are supposedly derived from natural sources and not synthetic. Might be bunko, but they're cheap. Why not?
  • From Wikipedia: "Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug....." If that's not a toxin... I drink a lot of water by keeping a water bottle on me at all times and keeping it filled. It's easy to drink when you've always got a lot of water with you and don't have…
  • I'm around 30yo male myself. Heart disease runs in the family - many of the men on my dad's side have had heart attacks and/or died from them. I get a ton of saturated and unsaturated fats every week (around 300g sat fat, 100g each poly and mono unsat fat) from peanut butter, coconut oil, flax seed, and salmon. I have a…
  • OP is getting a lot of hate for simply pointing out that a lot of people do overuse condiments and this can impede weight loss. Some people here might weigh their ketchup and log it, but most people don't. At best, they eyeball it. On top of other bad habits, the "such a small amount it doesn't really matter" calories add…
  • That sounds incredibly unhealthy, even dangerous.
  • Cheap and easy meal. I toss greek yogurt, ricotta, frozen berries, and chocolate protein powder in the blender.
  • Substitute mustard for mayo.