traderbren Member


  • I'm 40, with a realistic goal of 20 lbs, higher goal of 30. I had reached my goal once and maintained and then had health issues and gained it back. Since my hysterectomy 9 weeks ago, I'm really struggling to lose again. Feel free to add me. I'll be going through in the next day or so to add who I can!
  • My cyst was "suspicious" looking, so my doc sent me to a gynecological oncologist who recommended total hysterectomy. I don't know if I'd have wanted to try Mirena or BC pills if I hadn't had the surgery. The pain was ridiculous though, and it was still growing. I hope you get some relief.
  • I had my hysterectomy end of September. Prior to, I had packed on a few pounds of water weight from the huge cyst, and had not been able to exercise like usual due to the pain. Now that I've been cleared to exercise again (primarily running), I've been trying to track my food and run more frequently, but I'm really…
  • I turned 40 this year. A few months after my birthday I had THE worst pains pre-cycle, and at my annual (which I was tardy on, so it was really 2 years since my last appt...), doc discovered I had an enlarged uterus. Ulstrasound showed a grapefruit sized cyst. I had my total hysterectomy end of September. I found this…