2chubbynow Member


  • I had mouth surgery last year and survived on pudding, jello and ice cream and smoothies.
  • A big bowl of Cheerios with almond milk
  • I can look at my body in the mirror and know that I need to lose weight and that's enough to keep me going. Are you weighing your food and keeping track of everything that goes in your mouth? What is your height, weight and age? Open your diary so people can see what you are eating.
  • It has taken me 4 months to lose 8 pounds. Personally, I think your expectation of losing 1.3 lbs every week, for 2 months is unrealistic, but best of luck to you OP.
  • Some people, including me, do not poo daily. My regular is once every 7-10 days. I've talked to my doctor and he said not everyone goes every day. I eat plenty of veggies, often have chia seeds and protein powder in my smoothies, which do nothing to help you go and/or become regular. Ground flax seed does work for me,…
  • Seek the help of a professional. I have a niece that had an eating disorder. In order to recover, she received care from a gynecologist, a cardiologist (where the worst damage occurs), a nutritionist and a therapist. You will likely have fertility problems. Seriously, seek help.
  • Breyers Carb Smart Vanilla Bar @ 180 calories