bahiablk Member


  • This sounds cool. I've done kettle bells on and off for 4 years. I usually do 300 swings on alternating days with traditional strength training. On swing days. I alternate 100 swing sets with windmills, snatches, and cleans. I mostly use 16, 20, and 24 kilo bells. I agree with you about people who come to the gym with no…
  • I eat them when I'm running out the door and don't have time for a protein shake or a real meal. Like I was in class the other day and heading straight for the gym after class and hadn't eaten since breakfast, so yeah, late afternoon pick-me-up before an hour of kettlebell.
  • I would use Strength Training Vigorous Effort
  • What I've found is most people are nice in the gym. Pick somebody who looks in good shape and ask questions. Make some friends. My only judgement of people in the gym is they don't have a plan. Have a planned workout, follow it, ask advice of the big beefy guy or trim and taut girl at the next station. They'll be…
  • I'll be 6 months out on February 7th. I don't know if you'd want to see my diary because I eat badly. I downloaded the app so I could start journaling my food and be more consistent. My saving grace is I'm a gym rat and work out nearly every day, alternating between cardio, Kettlebell, and weight lifting. I try to eat…