heatherb243 Member


  • So awesome, congratulations on your success. :#
  • I'd say don't be too hard on yourself. Write it off as a mistake, don't fixate on it. It happens to all of us. Sometimes I swear I'm afraid of success because I will do really well and then sabotage myself for a little while. Just remind yourself that you want it and that it is important to stick with your goals. Good…
  • I'm quite sure that I am being impatient, I just felt like since I am so big it would go faster. I guess I didn't really look at the math before I posted, since my loss has slowed to .5 lbs last week. I have so far to go and it is really disappointing to hit a plateau already.
  • Thanks guys, I guess I should be more positive... I feel like it has just slowed down lately. The first week I think it was 6lbs and I just wanted to keep that pace. Last week it was only a half pound. I'm going to be very excited to hit under 200lbs, but maybe I'm being impatient.
  • I have about 100lbs to lose as well and I am so frustrated! I have been trying since January and it's like I have to fight my body for every little pound. I have lost 26lbs, and it's not coming off very quick. I feel like it should be melting off when I have so much to lose! I'm logging very carefully, counting each…