

  • Congratulations! That is definitely a mentally motivating thought, which is what I need. I'm finding these forums really helpful to keep my perspective in line with my goals. So thanks for your post! It really does help the rest of us as well. :)
  • I am with you. I started back two weeks ago, and lost 6 pounds the first week or so, and then nothing the second week. So frustrating, since I've been at the gym every day, for at least 45 minutes a day. One thing that is helping me though, is the feeling of strength and confidence and accomplishment I feel, even though…
  • It is hard. No doubt about it. I'm hoping to lose 74 pounds, and I often have the same thoughts. Especially after losing 55 pounds 6 years ago, and gaining it all back. Ultimately though, I know that I feel bad about being so overweight. As the post above is getting to, it helps me to remind myself why I want to lose…