

  • @conbi‌ haha! sounds good! strained Greek yogurt is also a good replacement for Mayo & cream cheese :) I use the 0% fat total brand.. It's very very thick, I eat it with pretty much everything! It's my saviour lol! Has high protein too :)
  • Hi Kelly! @conbi‌ I've sent you a request! Pasta, pizza & potato waffles with beans & cheese are my biggest weaknesses! Have you ever tried replacing the actual pasta with courgette strips or other veggies? It doesn't taste to bad to be honest. There are a lot of low carb pastas on the market now, I've tried many of them…
  • Welcome both! @Shoxene‌ I know exactly where you are coming from! It's a shame many places don't offer us very healthy options when it can be so simple. Why don't you try meal prepping for the week? You can make some home made falafels with salads or something? But atleast your uni has veggies! We only have fries haha!…
  • Lovely to meet you, Gina & fun skittles! Haha will be sending you both friend requests! Do add me on Instagram if you have it.. @5areena I have a few good recipes on there :) Vegetarian cooking can be simple and tasty. After all, main flavours do come from vegetables and herbs! My favourite recipe is vegetarian chilli…
  • Hi Sally! Nice to meet you :) and congratulations with your weightloss! It's really not that hard when you get into it. You are so right! Most vegetation comfort food, restaurant & fast food consists of potatoes and cheese! It can be really hard to resist. A vegetarian diet can lead you to putting on weight very fast if…