klechner4 Member


  • Hey I need to lose 59 pounds! Feel free to add me here or on Instagram (@myjournal4) or email me (kamila_d.o@hotmail.com) I really need friends to support me and keep me motivated
  • Hi feel free to add me here or on Instagram (@myjournal4) or email me (kamila_d.o@hotmail.com) I'm looking for friends to help me keep going and to motivate me!
  • Add me here, or on Instagram (@myjournal4) or email me (kamila_d.o@hotmail.com) I'm really looking for friends to help me keep going
  • Feel free to add me here or on Instagram (@myjournal4) or email me ( kamila_d.o@hotmail.com) I'm really looking for friends to help me keep going
  • Hi I'm 5'10 and I'm 224, I was 289!!! Feel free to add me, or add me on Instagram (@myjournal4) or email me ( kamila_d.o@hotmail.com) my goal is 165- 150. I'm really looking for people to help me on this journey, it has been really hard for me to lose weight lately but I'm gonna keep pushing until I hit my goal!!
  • I am new to my fitness pal, trying to lose a lot of weight that I gained during my pregnancy. I would love to meet people to give me motivation to keep going! Good luck to everybody!!