boilermarcher Member


  • Hello! I have 150 pounds to lose and am only now openly admitting it. I too am looking for some motivation and support. I've tried on my own a hundred different times (with a full pinterest motivation board to prove it) but this time I think I'm just going to have to go with the supporting community route and give that a…
  • I need to lose 150 pounds. I have been "working" on my weight for years now but this time it's just gotta happen. I'm reading a book called "The Shift" by Tory Johnson and it is an excellent read! I highly recommend it to anyone in here making a commitment to shed the pounds. I always wobble between "I CAN DO THIS YEAH!"…
  • Blending the chunks out of pasta sauce is a brilliant idea! I would have never thought to do that. I will absolutely try that! Are there some greens/fruit combinations that taste more or less like fruit? What are the best greens to use for someone like me who feels like I can always taste the greens? I hardly eat any…
  • I do like almost every fruit in the book! I've been meaning to try a green smoothie... I just haven't had the courage yet haha I just pinned some recipes for some on Pinterest so I'm going to give it a shot this weekend. I do like pasta sauce, but I don't like the chunks. However, that's the store bought kind with tomatoes…
  • Thank you all for the suggestions! I will definitely try adding some zucchini to meatloaf! I assure you all, my picky eating is not for a lack of trying new things. I try new things all the time, and I even often try eating things that I didn't like a year ago, just to see if my palate has changed. It often does not. I…
  • MFP is getting your step count from the phone itself. Your Fitbit is getting its own step count. That's why they're different. I have a Vivosmart and I leaned that while I can't get the MFP food logging to sync with the app, if you log in online, it will sync just fine. After you sync it online, it'll show up in the app.…