crys_todd Member


  • Love your name! My 3 year old is OBSESSED with Rainbow Dash. In fact she will only respond if addressed as Rainbow Dash. I will admit to being a bit more into MLP than any 30 year old woman probably should.
  • When I was a child Ferrero Rocher were my favorite candy (still are) but I only got them on special occasions because they are fairly expensive for candy. When I was 21 my roommate bought a jar of Nutella and I tried it for the first time in my life. It was like the heavens had parted and unicorns and rainbows showered…
  • Don't feel bad girl. I'm on my 3rd go round of losing 100+ lbs! Determined to make this the last time though. I'm 32 years old and getting too old to ever do this again! My starting weight this time was 270 and I'm right at 239 right now. My goal is 149 which would juuuuust barely get me in the "healthy BMI" range. Feel…
  • Story of my life right there. Lost 110 lbs in college. Regained it plus an extra 50 lbs over the next 5 years. Lost 165 lbs before I got pregnant with my daughter. Regained 100lbs over the next 3 years. Lost 85 lbs before getting pregnant with my son. Regained 50lbs while pregnant with him. So I'm back on the…
  • I pre log the night before. Occasionally things change and I shuffle things around but for the most part I like having my food day all planned out. Right now I workout during my baby's nap time. I generally have just enough time for 30 min. on the elliptical, another 20 for strength training and then a quick shower. Oh…
  • Love the idea of weekly challenges. Count me in.
  • My 9 month old STILL isn't sleeping through the night. At this point I think I've forgotten what being fully rested even feels like. It's like chronic tiredness is my new normal. I have no advice...just much empathy!
  • Hello all! I'm Crystal. I'm a 32 year old RN. I'm currently only working part time to be home more with my littles. I have a 9 month old son and a 3 year old daughter. Before getting pregnant with my daughter I had lost 165 lbs but 3 years and two pregnancies later I gained 100 lbs of that back. Sooooo now I'm back on the…
  • I'm the same way. There is a very small window of opportunity for me with bananas. They have to be just turned yellow with traces of green still on the peel. Absolutely no brown spots. Thankfully that limits me to one a week since there is generally only one day in which they are perfect.