Thanks philipdean299 for your information, it is good. Congrats on your survival, I read your profile. I may have had a TIA and just going through 1 more test, but determined to get in better shape than I was in Feb 2015 when this happened. Good luck to you and God bless.
I found 2 of real interest, the Polar F4 and the Polar FT7 onlu $10,00 difference between the two, so am more inclined to spend it on the FT7. Any thoughts on those 2. I wear a pedometer 7 days/week for the last 8 weeks and want a bit more information like am I reaching my target zone, what is my heart rate, tracking, etc..
Thanks for your responses Peachyfuzzle and TeaBea. I walk my dog at a fast pace, then do the treadmill each night from 30-45 minutes at between 25-27. So I am hoping to make a difference in my cardio work outs. I am also looking for a heart rate monitor that also tracks steps, any ideas or comments. I got your FitBit, how…
Hello Csantiago245, when you exercise you burn more calories, therefore you get to eat more if you choose to or if you don't eat more then you will loose weight faster. I hope that helped. What app are you using to track your steps on the iphone? I have been wearing my pedometer doing 10,000 steps a day which equates to 1…