

  • I did the Wed workout for Week 2 yesterday--- the commandos and mountain climber/push-up combos kicked my butt!!!!!! I haven't been this sore all over my core, shoulders lats and hips in forever!! Love it!!! Had a few cocktails last night though:-( Now I don't feel like doing LISS but I WILL MOTIVATE so I can burn off some…
  • Hi--- I feel you and I'm glad you asked. I have been off working out other than 1-2x /wk pilates due to a back injury. I was finally allowed to return to working out and decided to reclaim my body with BBG. But like you I was concerned about my fitness level. She recommends getting your cardio up to speed if you have not…
  • I started Jan 12 too! It was challenging but doable. I stretched and used warm heating pads right after the work out and it seems to have helped as I'm not very sore today. My cardio was definitely challenged!
  • Hi! My name is Adachka. I'm 38yo, no kids. I'm originally from Houston but live in Auckland, New Zealand now. I am starting the BBG challenge next monday with my bestfriend who lives in Colorado. My goal is to drop 20-30lbs and to be healthy and get back on regular exercise routine. I am doing the BBG to kickstart things…