Ell2639 Member


  • I'm pretty sedentary with a desk job that keeps me inactive for 11-12 hours a day, so I'm trying to eat 1000 a day, keeping it no more than 1200 even when I have a luncheon or dinner to attend. Watching nutrition more than I did on a higher calorie diet, for sure! Treadmill & Wii. One pund a week will keep me motivated but…
  • I have three; lost the weight after #1, lost half the weight after #2, but with career and family life I just couldn't keep it off after #3. Time to make a course correction! I have a milestone birthday next year and I worry that if I don't change some bad habits now...when will I??
  • I'm in BC.
    in Canadian Comment by Ell2639 January 2015