

  • That's so me too! Even when I was 40lbs lighter my friends were so tiny like super petite I used to envy them, but don't make it your goal to be like them but rather to be the best you, that you can be, confidence comes from within! But when you start working towards your goal that belief that you can do it starts to…
  • Congrats on your baby! :D My names Angie let's help each other out! Idk if this will help you but it has helped me so far, but I have an issue with overthinking and for me just jumping in helped. I stopped giving fear and doubt a chance to reign. It's always good to have a plan but you gotta actually do it. Good luck!
  • Good luck! You can do it girl don't give up I'm in similar situation having to lose 40 lbs myself I'm an emotional eater and due to depression and stress gained so much when I used to weigh 118 miss those days XD I used to be an abusive relationship so I know how it can be but you got yourself out and now it's time to…