

  • Like everything else, there is no cookie cutter perfect solution for everyone. Paleo has worked for me in the past, is working for me now, and it is something that I believe will work for me in the future. Without it I would still be 380 lbs. It is a tool, just like all tools it has its purpose. I am not an athlete, hell I…
  • My goal is 50 grams or less a day until I reach my goal weight, then I will go to 50-100 grams a day. No flour, potatoes, rice, beans, corn and that sort of thing. All of my carbs are from nuts, veggies and the like.
  • Fitch, what do you mean by clean whole foods? I have a ton of cool easy recipes that I love, but if they don't match your eating habits they won't do you much good lol I eat a lot of higher fats, proteins and low carb. I love bacon, everything is better with bacon =)
  • It is a starting point Sergeant. For me, limiting carbs and sugar is a first step. At one point I dropped 140 lbs doing nothing but a low carb diet and light exercise. I got off that wagon and gained back 40 lbs in about 2 years. Nothing else has changed for me, just my diet. For me, carbs are evil. At least for now.
  • Lauren, I sent you an add request. Good to know I'm not the only one watching the carbs.
  • Paleo diet here, a few years of experience. Looking to lose 60-80 lbs. Feel free to add.
  • I have lost a net 100 lbs, with another 60 to 80 to go. I am not sure if this qualifies, but if so feel free to add me as well.
  • Good morning everyone. I want to be one of the cool kids too =) I am a 42 year old male, about 5'11" and currently 274 lbs as of this morning. A bit of back story, in 2010 I weighed in at a peak of 380 lbs. My brother turned me on to paleo eating. At first I didn't believe him about the results he was having. When I saw…