CAtoVT Member


  • @HappyDonkey75 YES, I’ve tried intermittent fasting! I like it. I stop eating at 7pm and eat the next day at 12. Morning weigh in 184. I work at a busy restaurant and did 15,000 steps during my shift (5 hrs). Temptations are hard there, there are baskets of fries and tater tots everywhere, but I did not pick at them! I…
  • I have struggled with my weight for 13 years. I have been consistently gaining weight during that time. Morbid obesity, diabetes, and heart disease run in my family. I don’t want that for myself and I am ready to shed this burden once and for all! I’m tired of constantly thinking about how much weight I have to loose…
  • Morning weigh in: 186.4 😬. My goal is 140. Having a celebratory dinner at a hibachi place was challenging. I believe I did well. Next time I’ll skip the rice and get sauce on the side. Feeling motivated and optimistic today!
  • I have been struggling to loose weight for over 10 years. At times I can do well but I usually end up sabatoging myself. I’m ready to make changes and see that scale go down once and for all. Avoiding alcohol is a huge hurdle for me. Now that it’s summer it’s tempting to have a beer or two but that really stalls my weight…