get_it2013 Member


  • This is what I was taught. But yes, everyone is different. "The body burns these macronutrients in this order: First carbs, then fats, then protein. That means if you eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, your body will use the carbohydrates in the cereal to provide all the energy you need, burning no body fat. If you have a…
  • Theee things: your body needs fat and protein in the morning. I saw a diagram that shows a healthy breakdown of calorie consumption throughout the day with the bulk in the morning, and the lesser amount at night. When I do this, I am less hungry later...usually. Lastly, it probably doesn't matter as long as it fits your…
  • April 24? Well, keep counting calories, use a scale and measuring spoon to be accurate and stay within your macros. You will see results.