faz2722 Member


  • Thanks for the replies everyone....I'll stick with it and see how it goes. Fingers crossed I'll becomes success story soon too
  • Hi everyone, I've done 4 fast days so far and after my first fast, my weight dropped by 1.5kg/ 3lbs but then it went back up to what I weighed before and has stayed there ever since. My non-fast days have varied cals wise between my BMR and TDEE so I don't feel I've over-eaten as I've tracked all days in MFP and so, I…
  • Hi eychenn, Thank you for replying - it makes perfect sense! I'm glad to hear about learning more about control, hunger etc. as learning to have a better and guilt free relationship with food would be an amazing by-product as well as hopefully getting rid of these 10kg! I'll definitely see how I go on 5.2 and then try 4.3…
  • Hi everyone, doing my very first fast day today. As I had a Saturday morning lay in, I'm not feeling it too much so far. I have been doing the MFP 1200 cals and since November I managed to lose 4kg and keep it off (even with Xmas indulgence). Has anyone else swapped from MFP 1200 cals to 5.2? If so, have you found 5.2 more…