I agree with all of your comments. There is more than one way to get results. And you could get there multiple ways. But big muscle groups tend to require some effort And rest periods will assure maximum results. But moderate loads and more reps and sessions will get it done also, you just have to do lower body more often.…
Ahhh. Glutes and legs. You must want to suffer. You’ll want to use weights 3 workouts per week, 1st and 3rd heavy workouts. Middle workout moderate. Skip a day between each you’ll need it! if not, you’re not not using enough weight or you are not pushing yourself hard enough. #1 exercise squats. All kinds with a bar,…
Train for strength. If you don't lift you should start and lift heavy! Increase the weight incrementally which will help you gain muscle mass, limit your cardio to 1-2 times a week. Eat healthy, drink water and sleep. Muscle burns fat and you have to eat to feed muscles, so learn you macro and micro nutrient needs. You…
Def. not too much. A gallon a day is recommended and you would have to drink quite a bit more than that for problems. Water will help you lose weight and generally eat less. It is good for you all around.