karen21_21 Member


  • Am definitely an emotional eater myself. It's something I have always struggled with. this time am really motivated to stick to it and lose the weight. Am only 5ft so it has really been hard on my body to carry all this weight.
  • That sounds like fun!
  • Hey! Am trying to lose around the same amount of weight! It's so overwhelming but if we set reasonable goals we can do it!! How long have you been in your weight loss journey? Are you from Chicago or are you just going to visit? Am originally from Chicago but my husband is in the military so we are in Washington state.
  • Hi Dani! Am 25 and I have almost the same amount to lose. This is also the heaviest I've ever been and finally decided that enough is enough. Sometimes I get over whelmed by the amount that I need to lose because I wish the weight will drop of quicker and I always seem to fail that way. So this time am approaching it in a…