M1SS703 Member


  • Need some help with motivation too! Please feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Well done!! :)
  • I'm proud of you too!! I love the "extra push" you talk about!! It's in there, we just have to let it out! Thanks for sharing your harrowing story! Stay safe!!! :)
  • Eating a balanced diet with veggies (try for 3 colours on your plate), fruit, protein (lean meats such as fish and chicken, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas), and healthy fats (nuts, beans, flax) will help keep you full and give your body all of the right nutrients to assist with weight loss. Try to keep processed foods, such…
  • I find the scale to be very deceiving (I have to remember this on Thursday when I do my own weigh in...). You may be losing inches, but because muscle weighs more than fat, the scale stays the same. If you are eating a well-balanced diet, it doesn't take much for lean muscle to start increasing! Base it on how you feel,…
  • I've added you! Anyone else may add me too! :)
  • I have always believed that one unhealthy day in an otherwise healthy lifestyle has the same impact as one healthy day in an otherwise unhealthy lifestyle: zero! We've all been there! Glad you got some great advice on here that could get you through a tough time! That's what this community is here for! :)
  • Great job, Becky! :smiley:
  • Great thread! It's always helpful to have others to share this (sometimes daunting and painful) journey with! :)
  • If all foods help you lose weight, how do people become obese in the first place? I am a certified personal trainer and have taken many courses in weight/fat loss and disease prevention. I don't see value in discussing this further with you, so I will conclude by saying it again: do some research about your body and the…
  • Don't take my word for it - Do some research online. There is a plethora of information about what foods to avoid and why. It's actually pretty interesting to learn about how your body uses the food you put into it.
  • Most people who are putting effort into health and weight loss don't eat deep fried foods, as there are a number of very unhealthy aspects of eating these types of food regularly. I'm certainly not saying that it's not OK to indulge occasionally. And there are plenty of wrong foods when you are trying to lose weight. My…
  • For clarity, it's usually people who are unhealthy who feel the need to comment to me, and those same people are choosing hamburgers and fries over salad and chicken breasts.
  • It's funny: I work in a camp setting, so eat all of my meals with coworkers. It AMAZES me how a person can eat a plate with hamburgers, French fries and gravy and no one says a word, but when I show up at the table with a salad with chicken breast and a tiny sprinkle of shredded cheese, how quickly people jump on the ol'…
  • I am all about calories in/calories out, but always keeping in mind the body's need for certain amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats in order to facilitate healthy weight loss. Not all calories are created equal; I make an effort to eat whole foods where possible to ensure my body is getting the right calories. Good…