Jan93L Member


  • 95 @6:25am. Had corn on cob at lunch and black beans at supper. The fiber must have offset the rest of the carbs.
  • Three breakfast sausages Coffee with cream
  • 1 egg western omelet. 2 tbsp corned beef hash.
  • 83 @ 6:60 am today. I'm pleased and surprised.
  • @vinegar_husbands I've noticed that smell in my pee,too. I thought it was just because of my diabetes.
  • @Mirabelle1983 That may Have been it. I had a cup of bouillon and felt a bit better. I feel warmer than I have all day, too.
  • Many days I feel god on this way of eating, but lately I've been so tired and sleepy. BG are good ( generally in 90's) fasting and after meals.. I just wish I had more energy and weren't so sleepy!
  • 91 about 6:30 am
  • Salad with meat and or cheese, oil and vinegar dressing. Or spaghetti squash with a bit of pasta sauce and cheese. The squash is low carb and not bad tasting.
  • 1 fried egg 1 breakfast sausage link 3 oz cups coffee with cream 1/4 of an orange
  • I remember back in the 50's and 60's when I was in school ( a loooong time ago!) the lunches were almost all cooked with real food ( except Bologna and hot dogs) . The only snack available was a vending machine that dispensed apples. A few years later , around 1969 or 70 they started selling cookies and and peanut butter…
  • Looks like the square one is deep fried tofu. I wonder if this stack has at least one of everything on the menu?
    in Bread Last Comment by Jan93L April 2016
  • In addition to starting slow, don't push to exercise too long at a time. Shorter sessions to begin with, more often if you can. If they offer a trainer for a few sessions , use them! It's well worth it! Don't be embarrassed to ask questions of anyone there. Even if they look really fit they may have started with the same…
  • I do count calories because I am fairly sedentary do to arthritis and neuropathy pain in my feet. Still, that being said , the LCHF woe makes it easier to stay within calorie goal because I don't get as hungry (low BG) between meals. I'm not sure if I would call it a Paleo woe but it is pretty basic. I don't use the…
  • I take 2 psyllium fiber capsules a day. Flax seeds or chia seeds help , too. Taking magnesium helps keeps things moving , too.
  • I've begun adding .5 tsp of coconut oil to the cream in my coffee. I like the mild coconut flavor. I guess I'm noticing a decrease in hunger cause I'm having a harder time meeting calorie goals , although exceeding my fat goal. Generally the carbs are in the 50 to 70 range.
  • I must be a Luddite, too. I don't know how to get it to do the @ thing with a persons name in blue. Is that like a link?
  • @kimmydear I'm so pleased for you! I'm having a similar dilemma with my jeans, although I'm going from a 14 down to a 12. I really need a belt to keep the 14s up. My head says that I should wait 3-4 more lbs before buying the 12s. @anglyn I hear ya about people taking longer to notice weight loss , slimming, on us shorter…
    in NSV's Comment by Jan93L April 2016
  • Thanks I'm more of a chocolate loving person usually, but this morning the lovely fatty sausage hit the right celebration spot!
  • Got a call at 5:20 am. My Grandaughter at hospital in labor. Rolled out of bed , into clothes and drove an hour to hospital. Thankfully my sister was already up and had just made coffee.! The cup lasted me all the way there. Baby boy born at 9:26 am. All is well. Grabbed a McDonald's sausage egg and cheese no bread on the…
  • Chicken broth, bone broth if you have it, add herbs, sage , thyme, parsley. Hot sauce, chicken wings , yumm! Chinese hot and sour soup is good, too.
  • Crappy rainy day here in Maine, USA , too. Discovered I'd used the wrong checking acct for a week and had to transfer $$$ to cover it. Fixed the problem. UGH! Now trying not to eat anything out of emotions instead of hunger. Don't want to cook supper , although I should. Feel so frustrated. Time to do income taxes as…
  • I want to make some cream cheese and olive spread for veggies. Also might find ways to use coconut oil. Haven't really had trouble getting fat in ,but protein often lags behind.
  • If I have more than 20 g of carbs at a time ( meal or snack) my BG goes through up quite a bit. Had 1/4 c oatmeal this morning with1 tsp dried cranberries , 1tsp unsweetened coconut, and whole milk. Sent my BG up 20 points, from 97 to 117 Highest it's been for weeks. Been doing low carb (60-80g) a day for about 3 months.…
  • Can add me , too. 60-80 g carbs generally. Occasionally, usually unintentionally as low as 20. T2 diabetic and slowly bringing it under control with this way of eating.
  • I guess I was thinking of the fresh ones that I see in the store sometimes.
  • I think of those little bones when I think of sardines. Never tried wild caught ones, only canned. Plenty of butter and or bacon fat might help. Would " breading" them with almond flour help?
  • I think there must be some micronutrients in fish that my body wants. Usually a day or so after eating fish ( usually salmon , cod or haddock) baked with butter, I will loose a half a pound or so. A small amount , 3-4 ounces is so satisfying!
  • 93. That's ' good for me.
  • Sigh..I haven't been able to wear heels for years... Maybe, hope hope..I could wear a low pair for a little while for my neice's wedding in June. Haven't worn a knee length dress for years either. My SiL bought one for me for the wedding , too. Super nervous about it.
    in NSV's Comment by Jan93L March 2016