Catm226 Member


  • I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20. My husband and I were ready to take the next step in our marriage, which was to start a family. I too was told that either birth control or clomid were my options. We tried clomid for a few months however my hubby was laid off. I couldn't remember the name of was I had been…
  • thank you so much. I have added you both :)
  • I was once told by someone when I asked the same question. They told me that "we don't get fat for eating veggies". If veggies make you feel great then you shouldn't have to cut them out. Good Luck!
  • Good Luck! You can do it!
  • Hi. I too am looking for buddies to help hold me accountable. I have about 150 more to lose and looking for friends that will be on everyday. Feel free to add me :)
  • I weigh myself daily due to medical issues otherwise previously I have always weighed myself once a week. They say if you weigh yourself everyday you will drive yourself crazy. Everyone's body weight fluctuates throughout the day. You have to find what works best for you :) Good luck!